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Thrive125 virtual events

Feel free to join us for Thrive125 virtual events throughout the year. These are being organized by Utah Humanities and the Department of Heritage and Arts (home of NHD Utah) as part of our yearlong commemoration of statehood.

Upcoming Events:

Feb 3 @ 6:30 Humanities in the Wild: The Spiral Jetty

Feb 4 @ 6:00 Wintertime Native American Tales

Details and registration:

On the website you'll also find recordings of past events, and new sessions on the way. Forthcoming content will include a capstone event on the meaning of statehood, 125 years later.

And if you haven't had a chance to watch our K-12 documentary Becoming Utah: A Peoples' Journey (also part of Thrive125) check it out!

For more information:

Wendy Rex-Atzet, Ph.D.

State Coordinator, NHD Utah

Utah Division of State History


Socials: Facebook and Instagram

**New year, new rules! Download the 2020 edition of the NHD Rule Book!**


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